Payment of fees
Payment of fees is by GOV.UK, Child Care Voucher, Cash, BACS, or Standing order.
A retainer fee of 50% of normal fee will be charged for annual holiday to keep open a place for your child.
Retainer fees are non-refundable.
One weeks deposit is taken to reserve a place on date of signing the contract, this will be refunded at the end of the contract after any adjustments.
My Fees and Hours
Hourly Rate:
Monday – Friday
Fulltime (7 hours or more) £4.00p/hr
Part-time (6 hours or less) £5.00/hr
Overtime Rate:
Before 6am and after 7pm= £7.00p/hr
Before and after school care:
Min of 2 hours per day and 2 days per week = £5.00p/hr
Child/Parent annual holiday = Half Fee (retainer)
Childminder annual holiday= No Fee
School holidays (child not attending)= Half Fee (retainer)
Occasional days off-Child/parent=Full Fee
Occasional days off-Childminder=No Fee
Child/Parent= Full Fee
Childminder= No Fee
*Please note all contracted hours require payment even when your child does not attend.
All fees include:
Snacks, drinks, breakfast, lunch and evening meal.
Transfers to and from playgroup and school.
Toddler groups and local excursions.