There are many play and learning activities to suit all needs, ages and stages of development for both indoor and outdoor play. These include Lego, Puzzles, Games, Craft Materials, Drawing, Dressing Up Clothes, Educational Activities, Dolls, Cars and Garage, Dolls House and Musical Instruments. I have a wide range of Books. For younger children and babies there are Treasure Baskets, play gyms, shape sorters, early learning toys, and many other things.
Outside, my garden is fully enclosed and has been safety approved.
I have a tiny tots car, a large Bouncy Castle, Paddling Pool, Ball Pool, Bats, Balls, Badminton, Footballs, Goal, Skittles, Pushchair’s and Child-sized Chairs and Table.
I live close to a number of parks, play areas, and library which we use all year round.
I provide healthy snacks and meals and will cater for different dietary requirements.
I offer both full-time and part-time places, and can cater for shift workers.
Physical discipline will not be used.
This is a non-smoking household.
In the morning the children are generally having breakfast, followed by free play and some singing and dancing. For those on a full day or after school we have many and varied activities. I have books, toys, equipment, resources and theme-based activities to stimulate development in all age groups.
We also visit toddler/play groups. Some parents/guardians like their school age children to complete homework, whilst also giving the children some time to just relax after a long day at school. If time and weather permits, a trip to the local playground or other places like to the park or Marsh Farm, may also take place.
I will try to vary the activities so that the children will have the opportunity to explore many new and different things, whilst also giving them time to learn to play with others and by themselves. In addition, I will ask children to help setting and clearing the table at mealtimes and tidy up after activities.
Hopefully this will teach them that to have fun you also have certain chores that need to be done.
Working in Partnership With Parents / Guardians
As a childminder I recognise that it is crucial that I build a trusting partnership between myself and the child’s parents.
My aim is to achieve a strong working partnership with parents by:
1. Always making time to discuss parent’s concern about their children.
2. Informing parents about their children’s activities throughout the day either verbally or written in each child’s diary.
3. Allowing parents access to records kept on their own children.
Parents are requested to keep me informed of any changes to personal circumstances that may have an effect upon their children e.g. change of address, phone numbers, doctor, emergency contact.
Parents are also requested to keep me informed of any circumstances that may affect their children emotionally e.g. bereavement, separation or illness in the family.
Parents will be made aware that all information they provide about their children are kept confidential and treated on a strict need to know basis. (See confidentiality policy)