Policies and Procedure
I have policies and procedures to provide a clear and concise foundation for the working relationship between all parties concerned helping to avoid any misunderstandings or confusion that may occur.
Please ask to see my portfolio.
I have policies and procedures covering the following:-
Statement of Commitment, Admissions & Opening Times Policy, Fee Policy, Working in Partnership With Parents Policy, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, Special Educational Needs Policy, Behaviour Management Policy, Health & Safety Policy, Illness/Infectious Disease and Exclusion Policy, Physical Contact Policy, Hygiene Policy, Safeguarding Children Policy, Safeguarding Children Mobile Phone and Camera Policy, Internet Safety Policy, Administering Medication Policy, Accident & Incident Policy, No Smoking/Drugs/Alcohol Policy, Fire Plan Policy, Confidentiality Policy, Food and Drink Policy, British Values Policy, Terrorist Attack Policy, Risk Assessment Policy, Video Games Policy, GDPR Policy,
National Standard Regulation
My childcare policies can be viewed at any time. They all comply with Ofsted’s 14 national standard regulations under the children’s act of 1989.